Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Pay It Forward Day 2008

There is tremendous power and positive energy in giving - indeed as there is in receiving.

In the past it was easier for me to receive only once I'd reached a "bank balance" of giving. I wouldn't ask a friend for help with babysitting unless I'd done something to earn "credit points" with that friend, for example. Or I wouldn't say "I need a break" to the boss unless I'd billed more than my target sales, as another example. In the meantime I compromised my health and my relationships simply because I felt too unworthy to ask for what I needed (and often deserved!)

But now, I am able to ask and receive exactly what is in my highest interest to receive. And I give, not to earn credit points, but simply because it is a joyous and gratifying thing to do.

So whether you're like the "Old Me" who is unable to ask for help until you've offered it first, or like the "Now Me" who can ask and offer help with equal measure, consider joining in the fun and altruism of PAY IT FORWARD DAY on 4 April 2008.

Hundreds of people from around the world (including me) have already become Champions of PIFD... on 4 April we'll be doing our darnedest to pass on random acts of kindness in order to help someone else.

You don't have to spend a lot of money to pay a kind act forward. In fact, if you're creative you don't need to spend any money at all! Some simple ideas of what you can do include * Paying the toll for the car behind you * Giving up your seat on a bus or a train for someone else * Giving flowers to a sick person in hospital * Giving your frequent flyer miles to a homesick family

What are you planning to do? Inspire us! Share here...