Thursday, November 19, 2009

You are enough

I woke up yesterday with yet another flu. It's not fair - I'd only just recovered from another flu a week earlier. To make matters more stressful, our landlady called to say she'd sold our house and we have two weeks to find somewhere else to live.

"Dear Goddess," I said in frustration, "I'm unable to work because I'm ill. I am forfeiting thousands of dollars on my investment in the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Melbourne this weekend. I've spent a whole day on the phone trying to find somewhere to live that is clean, affordable, and will take a dog. I'm near the end of my tether here. I'm ready for a change of fortune."

I closed my eyes and let my prayer drift into the cosmos. Emptying my mind of worries, for the time being at least, I allowed myself some space for peace. In that quiet moment of "be-ing", of simply sitting in a space of zero expectation, a beautiful answer drifted back to me.

I shared that answer in this week's newsletter, and invited the InnerGoddess gals to share their thoughts here: what would you most like to hear right now?

Monday, November 09, 2009

A Time to Remember

11 November is Remembrance Day in Australia, a time to remember those who have died or suffered in wars and conflicts and all those who have served during the past 100 years.

For the purpose of "remembering", we look to Greek goddess Mnemosyne (nem-oh-zeen), whose name means "memory." She bore nine daughters with Zeus, who became the nine Muses of the creative arts.

In this week's Inner Goddess newsletter, when prompting, "What Would Goddess Do?", I noted that if she were in your situation, she would write her memoir. She would begin by recollecting her journey, recalling both the wonderful and the icky moments in her life, recognising the beautiful being she was born to be, and relearning how to apply her life lessons for a more rewarding existence. In doing so, she would easily recognise her full potential as wonderful, sacred, self-fulfilled being.

I also promised a list of prompts for beginning your memoir. Here they are (from the journal "What Would Goddess Do?")...
  • It all started when …
  • Imagine her surprise when …
  • If only she knew …
  • Her major turning point was …
  • I was named after …
  • My finest moment was …
  • I felt giddy with happiness …
  • In all my life, I never …
  • If it’s one thing I regret ….
  • If I could change things …
  • My epitaph would read …
  • I’m so proud of …
  • When I think of …
  • It was so perfect …
  • Happy is the girl who ...

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Love is Like Jello (a lesson in finding your soul mate)

In this week's newsletter to InnerGoddess members, I told a story about how I found my soul mate. The motto of my story is that...

Love is like jello - the more you try and hold onto it, the more it squeezes out of your grasp.

I also invited members to offer their little gems... When / How did you meet your soul mate? What life lesson did you learn in the process?